Location-based services

Location-based services Make intelligent use of occupancy data in building management

Building occupancy and movement data is the future of digital real estate management. It can show information such as how the workplaces in an office building are utilized or enable searches for rooms and people.


How many workplaces are occupied? When are the peak times? Which zones are particularly heavily utilized? Where is there potential? Working together with the start-up Locatee, Post Real Estate has developed new services that enable more efficient room use, facilitate orientation in buildings and simplify collaboration.

Occupancy and movement data

The “Locatee Analytics” software analyses workplace occupancy almost in real time and helps make better use of the workplaces available. The findings from the data help you to control operating expenses actively and, in turn, to make better use of buildings. Technically, the product is based on the existing infrastructure and a strictly anonymous analysis of the “digital shadows” of notebooks. The software has been in use at Swiss Post’s headquarters since the beginning of 2016. Post Real Estate is also currently testing a new application: the “SmartFinder” app allows users to locate volunteer test persons and meeting rooms quickly and easily. Its introduction, along with other applications based on occupancy data, is planned for 2017.
