Certifications Post Real Estate certifications
Post Real Estate is certified in accordance with the established standards for quality management, environmental management and occupational health and safety management.
Certificates (4)
Quality management (ISO 9001)
Quality policy
We view quality as compliance with prescribed and defined internal and external requirements for our services, with due regard to industry and customer-specific standards, state-of-the-art technology and statutory and internal Group regulations. We guarantee that we will continuously maintain and improve the quality in all phases of our services and across all levels of our company.
We are a reliable partner for our customers and suppliers. We involve them fully in the provision of services and communicate in a transparent manner.
We develop our skills and those of our employees through continuous professional training and active support. We expect entrepreneurial thinking and a high degree of personal responsibility.
Environmental management (ISO 14001)
Environmental policy
Post Real Estate Management and Services Ltd is committed to continuously optimizing energy and resource efficiency in Swiss Post buildings.
In doing so, we are reducing energy costs (heating, cooling, electricity and water) and increasing CO2 efficiency. We are expanding our use of renewable energies and promoting withdrawal from fossil-fuel heat generation.
We are transforming our buildings for the future, taking into account the sustainability criteria of ecology, economics and social issues. This includes energy efficiency, recyclability and minimal use of primary raw materials.
New buildings are constructed and certified in accordance with the DGNB Switzerland standard. The company provides the resources and information required to achieve this.
We fulfil our mandate with sustainable products and services that are as environmentally friendly and energy-saving as possible. In doing so, we of course comply with or even exceed the legal requirements.
Occupational Health and Safety (in accordance with ISO 45001)
Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) – policy
We have drawn up an OH&S policy in accordance with the ISO 45001 standard, which we implement and uphold. The OH&S policy is agreed with the security organization and staff. It is reviewed on an annual basis in order to keep it up to date, fit for purpose and relevant.
At Post Real Estate, health and safety at work comes above our other company goals and is integrated into all of our operational procedures (by means of the OH&S management system).
Safe and employee-friendly work environments
Occupational health and safety are part of our leadership principles. Through the creation and maintenance of a safe working environment that promotes employment and good health, we are contributing to the continued existence and success of our company.
Responsible action
We are committed to complying with all laws and directives pertaining to occupational health and safety. We have the organizational structure and the necessary means to prevent accidents, occupational diseases and work-related health risks.
We are aware of our responsibility toward employees, customers, contractors and visitors.
UND label
Balance and equality
The “UND label” from the agency of the same name honours organizations that strive for equality and work-life balance. In 2017, Post Real Estate Management and Services Ltd (IMS) received this distinction for the first time. The subsequent recertification in the summer of 2021 shows that IMS is actively creating structures and framework conditions that promote equality and work-life balance.
Post Real Estate Management and Services Ltd continues to actively work towards creating framework conditions that enable staff to harmonize their professional and private lives.